We Recover Government Held Monies for Our Clients...

Our law firm recovers unclaimed and lost funds on behalf of clients.  Often the money has been sitting with government agencies, unclaimed, for many months, and often more than a year.

The rules vary by state but in most states when those funds sit for too long (typically three years or so) the funds will permanently escheat (forfeit) to the government, and cannot be claimed.

The rules are state-specific though and a few states (such as Delaware) do allow claims forever.  Most states have a hard deadline though.  Once that passes the money is lost to the state and cannot be claimed.

There are many Billions of Dollars Waiting to be Claimed...

Government-held funds are in the billions of dollars.  They come from mineral rights, uncashed checks, refunds that have not been applied for, unclaimed life insurance policies, abandoned safety deposit boxes and more.

We are Efficient Because We Do One Thing Over and Over...

One of the issues with law firms is they take on so many different types of matters they rarely become efficient. This shows up for clients in slow service and the inability of the law firm to guide clients to reasonable expectations of time until a matter concludes or of the total expected costs.  We limit our practice to locating and recovering lost funds and we work on a contingent-fee basis.  By structuring our practice this way we are in a position to accurately advise our clients on expected timeframes to a matter concluding. By handling matters on contingent-fee basis, our clients take no financial risk in the event of claim failure and know their costs in the event of our success before we start work on the matter.

We May Know of Money You Can Claim Right now...

If you are a potential client please click on the button for our contact information.